My practice subject/place is the Laurens church in Rotterdam city center.
Looking at feminisme alongside faith (christian faith.) Woman have dresscodes inside certain communities and churches.
In 1857, Pope Pius IX took a mallet and castrated all the male sculptures.
Sunday clothes
shoulder and knees are covered
Vatican dresscode
Why does the catholic faith seems more behind in comparison to the protestant faith?
Thoughts and questions
Off all the people the Vatican employs, only 22% is female. (source: Youtube video below 'Faith and feminism: woman and Christianity'.
Even though the current pope is working on more inclusivity, the already made clear 'priestly ordination' is for man only.
How did the christian faith influence the construction of gender?
How did the christian faith influence the construction of gender?
'The origin of the world' by Gustave Courbet
Andy Warhol playing with gender
why is god considered a man?
why are only man allowed to become pope?
Mother nature
Holy father
also Holy father
A different interpretation of ‘Creation of god’ by Michelangelo
A YouGov survey this year found that more than a third of British Christians believe that God is male owing to references in the Bible to God as “him” and as a father, a lord and a king.